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Letters of Recommendation

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Core Values

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Joe's Resume

     Joe and Denise are high school sweethearts. We went on our first date in 1980 and never stopped. We have been married since 1984. In that time frame, God blessed us with eleven children and seven grandchildren. Our family is one of our core values and passion.  

     Denise grew up in a wonderful Christian home and spent her entire life serving Christ. She was born again at the young age of 5 and knew by the time she was 10 years old God called her to missions. She has been active in evangelism, church ministry, discipleship and mentoring since she discipled her first person as a freshman in high school. She is a dynamic speaker, passionately teaching younger women to love their God, husbands and children. She loves serving. 

     Joe gave his life to Jesus as a freshman in college. Within a few years he felt God's call to the ministry which was affirmed unanimously by our church leadership. Joe felt it wise to pursue more than just theology, so he first received his B.A. in Business Administration before continuing on to attain his Mdiv. from Southwestern Theological Seminary. 

     Joe and Denise entered the ministry in 1986. Joe was associate pastor and the youth minister, and along with Denise they served in every area of the church. Together they did street evangelism, ministered in retirement homes and discipled new converts. In 1993 they moved to Denver Colorado in order to serve wit the Home Mission Board of the SBC and plant a church. God moved them to Purcellville, Virginia to continue in the pastorate in 2000, where they served until called to Bolivia in 2007. You can see their testimony and call to missions here, and Joe's resume here.

     They moved to Bolivia with their ten children in 2007. Their youngest, Mercy, was born in Bolivia. They have proven fruitful and dynamic in their multi-faceted ministry. Orphan ministry, outreach to street kids, church planting, business as missions, short-term teams, construction, pastoral training, seminary teaching, authored books, evangelistic events, pastoring, conference speaking and personal discipleship are a few of the things they did in the 15 years they were in Bolivia. Click here to glance at their 15 year newsletter, or watch a short video here. A great place to see their multi-faceted approach to ministry by focusing on the work of the Holy Spirit and bearing fruit is by reading about the Holman Ministry here.

     In 2021, God began to work in the hearts of both Joe and Denise to leave Bolivia and go to Ghana in order to do two things: reach muslims and equip the future church to reach muslims. See more about it in our mission.

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What We Believe

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Our personal testimony and call to world missions

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Holman Family Ministry

Helping People Know God Better And Love Him More.

Our Mission

Our Mission

We exist to help people know God better and love Him more. 


We flesh this out through our ministry of preaching, meeting needs and equipping the church. 


We preach the gospel. Our calling is to share Jesus in and through any format or medium we can use. 


We meet physical and holistic needs. Jesus went about doing good and we seek to follow His example. If there is a need, we seek to meet it if possible for God’s glory. 


We equip the church for the work of ministry. We believe in the power of multiplication and discipleship.  Our goal is to multiply exponentially all that we are capable of doing for Christ. 

Complete Holman Family Mission Here.


Start Changing The World Today!

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